Saturday, 22 November 2014


Haruan is an obligatory air-breather and predaceous fish that resides in swamps, slow-flowing streams and in crevices near riverbanks in Malaysia and Asia. In taxonomy, it belong to the family Channidae, and its scientific name is Channa striatus (C.straitus).
Haruan is consumed for its dietary proteins. Nevertheless, it is also consumed as a remedy for healing of wound. Haruan has been reported to enhance dermal wound healing, to reduce post-operative pain and discomfort, and in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema. However this is a new clinical trials indicating therapeutic effect on primary knee osteoarthritis patients.
Health Benefits Of Channa Striatus (Haruan)
1. Wound Healing Properties:
 > The wound healing properties of haruan are attributed to its fatty acid and amino acid composition. Haruan's mucus and tissue extracts are found to contain high amount of amino acids especially glycine and arachidonicacid. These two are reported to promote wound healing by initiating collagen synthesis and re-epithelialisation in damaged tissues. Hence, haruan extracts are recommended for post operative wound healing as well as post pregnancy rehabilitation. Haruan is known to produce polyunsaturated fatty acis which regulate prostaglandin synthesis inducing wound healing.
2. Antimicrobial Properties:
 > Though plan are still the centre of new screening for altenative agents to allopathy, due to problems of antibiotic resistance, side effects and limited efficacy, scientists are looking into animal based resources and no doubt, Haruan is one of the promising candidates. As a part of the wound healing process, antimicrobial activity is equally important. 
3. Antinociceptive Properties:
 > Haruan is used to treat skin diseases like eczema that is refractory to standard medical treatment. Relief from pain and irritation is one of the reported benefits for those taking haruan fish. Mat Jais et al. investigated the antinociceptive effects in mice with a view to establishing the scientific basis of pain-relieving activities, where the study showed that both the fillet and mucus extracts were found to exhibit a concentration dependent antinociceptive activity.
4. Osteoarthritic Properties:
 > Haruan were being used by people all over the world for arthritis treatment. One of the scientific report by Ganabadi is that haruan extract improved the density of PGP9.5-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the synovial membrane in rat model and proved to be better than the other traditional fish Zingiber officinale. Ng Yeen et al. studied the effects of orally administered haruan extract in rabbits experimentally induced osteoarthritis.
5. Cardiological Effects:
 > The skin extract called shol fish skin extract (SFSE) has been found to contain potent active compound, cardiotoxic fator II (CTF-II), with hypotensive effect and cardiotoxic property that influence the increase in cardiac marker enzyme creatine phosphokinase. Characterization of protein hydrolysates from muscle and myofibrillar samples of haruan showed different kinetic and proteolytic activities and the results led to isolation of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor peptides with high ACE- inhibitory activity, further supporting the use of haruan as a functional food and preventative medicine for hypertensive patients.
> this is a traditional formulation traditionally uses for healing of wound, relief of joint and muscular pain.
> Every 450mg tablet contains: Channa Straitus 200mg, Semen Nigella Sativa 8mg
Recommended Dosage:
> small cut 80mg
>  operation 200mg
> osteoarthritis 500mg
Direction for use:
> take 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets at night after food with water

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Evening primrose (atau dalam bahasa Latinnya Oenothera biennis) merupakan tumbuhan yang unik serta menarik yang juga dikenali sebagai ‘evening star’. Tumbuhan ini terdapat di kawasan iklim sederhana di Amerika Utara dan Eropah serta di tempat-tempat lain di seluruh dunia yang mempunyai iklim yang sama. Evening primrose oil (EPO) dihasilkan daripada biji benih tumbuhan yang unik ini.

  • Evening primrose oil digunakan untuk melegakan ekzema (keadaan di mana kulit mengalami keradangan, menjadi gatal atau bersisik akibat alergi atau iritasi lain). Evening primrose oil dapat membantu melembapkan dan melembutkan kulit apabila ia disapukan pada kulit.
  • Evening primrose oil juga digunakan untuk melegakan simptom-simptom fizikal dan psikologikal sindrom prahaid seperti sakit pada payudara akibat perubahan hormon semasa haid, serta simptom menopaus seperti ‘hot flushes’ serta kekejangan otot.
  • Evening primrose oil digunakan untuk keadaan yang yang melibatkan keradangan seperti artritis reumatoid. Dalam kes ini, asid gamma linolenik yang terdapat dalam evening primrose oil menghalang penghasilan bahan kimia yang menyerupai hormon dalam darah yang dinamakan prostaglandin.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Glutacol ( Glutathione + Collagen)



Glutacol (Glutathione + Collagen)

~Rahsia cantik dan menawan.........
~Mencerahkan dan Anti-Penuaan...
                                  ~Dalam bentuk minum (3g x 20 Sachet) dan Cream 30g.
~Hanya RM70 sahaja......................
~Jika berminat sila hubungi : ..........
                         Farmasi Medipoint Econsave Jalan Reko Sentral.
                                    03-87363649 / 019-24322734 ( Whasapp / SMS sahaja).


Thursday, 13 November 2014

Quinol (CoQH-CF)

CoQH-CF 50mg 30's..
~Gel lembut menyediakan platform yang sangat efisien untuk penyampaian bentuk tereduksi CoQ10  untuk kegunaan maksimum.
~Sesuai bagi mereka yang meningkat usia, individu yang ada diabetes, penyakit hati dan masalah jantung.
~Para atlet dan yang aktif bersukan.

Setiap 50mg softgel mengandungi:
1)Ubiquinol 50mg (reduce coenzyme Q10)
2)Medium-chain triglycerides
6)Purified Water
~Dos yang diarahkan: 1-2 biji sehari
~Untuk sebarang pertanyaan ;
  Sila hubungi: 03-87363649/019-24322734 (Whatsapp /SMS sahaja)

Monday, 10 November 2014


Product Description
Proviton capsules is a multivitamin and minerals supplement. Each capsule contains a formulation of multivitamins, minerals and lipotropic substances with Ginseng IDB (Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer) for your daily supplement.
It is preservative free.
  • 12 multivitamins and 9 minerals with Ginseng extract IDB. Good for people with hectic lifestyle.
  • Proviton is formulated with standardized Panax Ginseng.
  • High concentration of Panax Ginseng.
  • Maintenance of general health & vitality.
  • Good for people with hectic lifestyle and recovering from illness.
  • 1 softgel capsule to be taken daily.
Packaging Dimension
  • 12 x 12.5 cm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Untuk pertanyaan atau pembelian online.Sila hubungi : 03-87363649 atau 0132040405

Barleans Omega 3 Fish Oil


Product Description

High Strength – 696 mg of EPA & DHA
  • Less capsules needed to reach therapeutic dosage
  • Improves patient compliance
Ethyl Esters form
  • The form approved by US-FDA and recommended by NICE guidelines (based in UK).
Certified Non-detectable Toxins
  • Undergoes a proprietary Advanced Molecular Distillation to remove all forms of heavy metals and toxins.
Double protection against Lipid Peroxidation
  • Addition of mixed natural tocopherols as anti-oxidant
  • Amber glass bottle with an outer box to reduce heat and light penetration
  • Active ingredients are preserved
Fish Gelatin
  • Different religious groups can use it without inhibition

Untuk pertanyaan atau pembelian online.
Sila hubungi : 03-87363649 atau 0132040405

Friday, 7 November 2014


Untuk pertanyaan atau pembelian online.
Sila hubungi : 03-87363649 atau 0132040405